I just took the most scenic route through a tournament; my 'Manhattan' chip graph will have actually looked like Manhattan tonight, and not the Kent coastline, like it normally does. Yet I can't decide if I liked it or not.
An hour ago, I loved it; it made me feel alive, like a proper, confident gambler, like one of the Arabs in the Vic. Right now I want to bang my head on a table. I kinda like my glass brasserie-style table, though, so I have thusfar resisted.
Resolved to go for the 22 Euro EPT Ladies Monte Carlo quali. It now starts at 7.30pm with the clock change, so I can work late-ish and still do the Putney to Chiswick Dash (South West Trains-permitting, and without the trip to Tesco/the off license) and still make it home in time. Ok, I missed the first hand as I wasn't seated in time (hate that, am so superstitious), but couldn't lose for the first 45mins; I conned a French girl into giving me half her stack, with a bluff that turned into 2 beautiful sucker punches on the turn and river. Lost a bit trying to be too clever, but, hell I could afford to play - and was in a playful mood. Made 3 or 4 good (and 2 outrageous) bluffs. Loved it. I'll admit I am still trying to work out how a girl called my pre-flop raise and all my bets with J-10 off-suit (and quite how the poker Gods felt it appropriate to award her a straight on the river) mid-way through.
Then, with 18 or so left, I had an all-in behind me which was for virtually all my stack. I am annoyed with myself for even having to think about it, looking at KK, but then I saw her screen name; 'Antip'.
I took a deep breath, crossed my fingers, hoped she was a Saffer, and hit call with my right index finger, dropping it down onto the laptop 'mouse' button from a great height and with oodles of theatre. Thankfully she had AK (aka Anna Kournikova - looks great but rarely actually wins anything) and the other As stayed hidden away in the deck.
And then, somehow, really quickly, and totally inexplicably, it fell to bits. I say inexplicably; I got totally riled and lost all concentration and normal poker sense and I am flipping livid with myself.
I was moved to a new table and was sat to the left of a man - Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! A man with a silly gimpy photo, clearly taken in his place of work, on his button picture; a man that insisted on raising my blinds (without exception, hesitation or reservation) and every time I had nothing to defend them with - And sat to the right of a player who called for time EVERY HAND for EVERY DECISION.
It took me not much longer than 15 minutes to lose my rag with the pair of them and, intentionally or not, they made a GrumpieLeeshieQ2 sandwich. And the filling went off.
During the moulding process, I did a couple of the most stupid, unforgiveable things and deservedly found myself with less than a grand, shoving with 3s, getting called by 7s and busting out in 9th.
Needless to say, I am going to go and have a very brutal chat with myself.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
Monday Blues (and Reds and Blacks)
I should have known today would be bad.
I woke up about 6am, of my own accord, sighed, snuggled back down onto the pillow and closed my eyes again as I realised it was Sunday and I could lie in.
Now, I do love it when the clocks go forwards; you get to leave work in the light, even get home in the light, stuff smells better, people are nicer to each other, you crave lager and lime (well, I do). But, by 'eck, it's bloody dark at 6.15am! It just seems morally wrong to be plunged back into darkness in the mornings, forced to put the bathroom light on to have a shower (and is it just me, or does your bathroom feel colder and less welcoming in the dark?).
Work was rubbish. Had a barnstorming offer turned down and promptly sat there fuming all afternoon, barely managing to console myself, even with a Milkybar and bag of Skittles in my armoury.
Decided not to play the Monte Carlo 22 Euro qualifier tonight, mainly as I didn't think I could bear to stay at my desk until potentially 10pm, so came home (in the aforementioned light) and, after a comfort ham and cheese toastie (ok, two), had such a shocking time in 2 SNGs on PKR, I decided to take drastic action and play cash (cue dramatic music) on PokerStars.
I confidently swaggered (or rather skidded in my slippers) over to my wallet to fish my Maestro card out, and promptly plopped 100 quid into my account (which, incidentally, is even easier than buying songs on itunes - it's like the website is ciphoning off money from your card like a dodgy bloke with a perfect fitting and well lubricated hosepipe draining your car's petrol tank). The plan; to build up (at least) enough profit to buy into the 22 Euro quali later in the week.
Having not played cash online for over a year, I decided to go a bit cautious. And when I say cautious, I mean special needs; 25c/50c.
...Good Lord, people, you have but 3 options; they're there in big red button-form at the bottom right! How can this take so long to get round 6 players?
After 40 mins of not very much at all, and 3 x BB raises being generally enough to nick a pot pre-flop (or a pot sized C-bet, post flop), I managed to get myself into a tenacious but rather unnecessary and petulant tangle, calling my stack into a (relatively) monstrous pot, which was, thankfully, chopped as we had both hit our house on the river - the Q saved me as my 2pair was outkicked until then. By goodness, the heart was pumping hard; who needs the gym?!
After an hour I was in profit to the grand figure of $1.45. Or 96p. Or 1.07 Euro.
Am not entirely sure what I expected, but is cetainly time to make my excuses and find my cash niche elsewhere, I think.
At least the cricket season started today. Every cloud...
I woke up about 6am, of my own accord, sighed, snuggled back down onto the pillow and closed my eyes again as I realised it was Sunday and I could lie in.
Now, I do love it when the clocks go forwards; you get to leave work in the light, even get home in the light, stuff smells better, people are nicer to each other, you crave lager and lime (well, I do). But, by 'eck, it's bloody dark at 6.15am! It just seems morally wrong to be plunged back into darkness in the mornings, forced to put the bathroom light on to have a shower (and is it just me, or does your bathroom feel colder and less welcoming in the dark?).
Work was rubbish. Had a barnstorming offer turned down and promptly sat there fuming all afternoon, barely managing to console myself, even with a Milkybar and bag of Skittles in my armoury.
Decided not to play the Monte Carlo 22 Euro qualifier tonight, mainly as I didn't think I could bear to stay at my desk until potentially 10pm, so came home (in the aforementioned light) and, after a comfort ham and cheese toastie (ok, two), had such a shocking time in 2 SNGs on PKR, I decided to take drastic action and play cash (cue dramatic music) on PokerStars.
I confidently swaggered (or rather skidded in my slippers) over to my wallet to fish my Maestro card out, and promptly plopped 100 quid into my account (which, incidentally, is even easier than buying songs on itunes - it's like the website is ciphoning off money from your card like a dodgy bloke with a perfect fitting and well lubricated hosepipe draining your car's petrol tank). The plan; to build up (at least) enough profit to buy into the 22 Euro quali later in the week.
Having not played cash online for over a year, I decided to go a bit cautious. And when I say cautious, I mean special needs; 25c/50c.
...Good Lord, people, you have but 3 options; they're there in big red button-form at the bottom right! How can this take so long to get round 6 players?
After 40 mins of not very much at all, and 3 x BB raises being generally enough to nick a pot pre-flop (or a pot sized C-bet, post flop), I managed to get myself into a tenacious but rather unnecessary and petulant tangle, calling my stack into a (relatively) monstrous pot, which was, thankfully, chopped as we had both hit our house on the river - the Q saved me as my 2pair was outkicked until then. By goodness, the heart was pumping hard; who needs the gym?!
After an hour I was in profit to the grand figure of $1.45. Or 96p. Or 1.07 Euro.
Am not entirely sure what I expected, but is cetainly time to make my excuses and find my cash niche elsewhere, I think.
At least the cricket season started today. Every cloud...
Sunday, 28 March 2010
My biggest week
I have been feeling really good about my poker since coming back from Vegas and competing with the guys out there; their chat, their bluff raises, their nonsense post-mortems after (seemingly) every hand; how well/badly they played it, how many outs they had, 'what are you calling with that for?!'... Yawn.
It was suddenly like, 'I have as much right to be here as you'; I didn't get shakey anymore when I was putting the chips in when I had a hand (but was quick to point it out (loudly) to the chaps that did, when I spotted it). I think the moment was at the Mandalay Bay, a couple of glasses of crap American white wine to the good, on the Saturday morning.
I much prefer live poker; you can properly chat, flirt, distract, pressure. I hope I won't ever feel intimidated by a man at a poker table again. I actually trash talked a guy last week in a tourny. Not my usual style, I'm a charmer, normally. He started it. He can't have been more than 19-20, chewing gum, ipod earphones in, got moved to our table had no more chips than anyone else, but proceeded to abuse everyone for no reason, aggressive as you like. He got them in on a scary-ish board and chewed his way through the guy next to me's thinking time, finally telling him, 'Come on, man. We've got hands to play', tapping his watch. The guy next to me folded but I had the pleasure of 2 hands later having aforementioned little shit call a re-raise on the flop to me, and my A-10 rivering the nuts.
I realise with hindsight, the all in bet was too obvious (especially being a girl - cos we only bet when we have a hand, right?!); anything up to half of it, I fancy he'd have called, I was hoping he'd want to swing his dick around by knocking a girl out, but, disappointingly he didn't have enough of it. He thought about it enough though and I couldn't help myself while he was mulling it over.
Women, however, are a different prospect all together. I actually don't like playing against them. i) all my USPs go out the window ii) they very rarely chat back (if at all) iii) I find myself folding the best hand to their all-ins (see above) iv) you never REALLY know what they have/if they know what they're doing with them - my mum sees a flop EVERY time when we play for buttons, no matter what I do (and usually hits her 7 or 9). That said, women only tournaments eg EPT, while a bit of a freak show to the onlooking men, are great value to get into and they are, generally, a decent standard, despite what anyone might say/think.
My first all-woman tournament was the EPT London last October. With precisely 1 previous live tournament experience (in the Sportman Casino in Dublin - where I made the final table), I was nearly sick the morning of this one. Looking back, I was so inexperienced, weak and reactive. I'll admit I've only really learnt to (properly) re-raise in the last few months (handy now, though, I don't mind telling you).
Anyway, having had so few cards and all of my genuine hands being outkicked, outdrawn, outplayed, I finally got them in with a set of As; when that got beaten by a straight (played by a girl wearing a comedy promo sash and sparkly cowboy hat who had played I think 4 hands all night - and very slowly, at that), I resolved to find my boyfriend (who thankfully had missed that particular hand, after very sweetly taking the day off work to come and support me) - and then, in turn, find the nearest pub and get smashed on northern ale, then wander to the Vic and watch the pros. In return for going out early (the poker equiavlent of the fat kid clap at Sports Day), I had been given a signed copy of Victoria Coren's book. I loved her before the EPT (debacle). She's hilarious. I'd love to be her mate. Anyway, that (subsequently signed by Neil Channing and Bambos at the Vic) got read cover over the following week too and since the whole EPT experience and then Vegas getting me so in to live tourny poker, I have vowed to play more offline - and try to qualify for another EPT.
PokerStars sent me an email the other week promoting the Ladies Luxury Poker Club at EPT Finals in Monte Carlo; in short an opportunity to qualify for a 3.5k Euro package, including accommodation, travel, buy in, goodies etc.
I tried the freeroll; rubbish. Crap shoot. Nonsense. Then I tried the 5.50 Euro rebuy. Ditto, all in with nothings all over the place, I topped up at the break but never got going.
So, I resolved to try the 22 Euro freeze out.
Proper Poker.
I had to play at work as I couldn't get home in time for the start (is ok, I work in recruitment for the online gaming industry - it's technically working late...). I tried one night, but blew it in one hand when I was sat in 5th and loving life; didn't consider for a mintue my 2 pairs of K-10 could be done by a set of 10s. D'oh.
But Tuesday of this week, I played the most beautifully timed, sensible poker of my life, probably only winning 3 really big hands, but never being all in and enough to qualify for the 215 Euro Sunday final.
There were 40 of us tonight, from literally all over the globe; Vegas, Seoul, France, places in Eastern Europe I have never heard of (and a bloke who clearly can't read and realised about two thirds of the way through he was in the wrong place - expensive trip to the wrong toilets....)
Just never got going, though, don't think I won a pot of more then 1100 Euro all night, had AA twice but barely got paid, let alone full value. Only made 2 ropey calls when I really didn't think they had it, but thankfully only cost me 700 Euro total. Finally, when blinds and antes were making my stack disintegrate in front of my eyes, I got them in with pocket 9s in the small blind. The previous 2 hands, the short stacks had doubled through; felt like the spot (was just nice to see cards that matched, I had forgotten by then what picture carda looked like). Got called by AK in the big blind and of course one of her 6 cards came on the flop. In spite of my shouting '9' or (barrel-scraping) 'clubs' at the screen, I lost the remainder of my chips (to the girl who, incidentally, bubbled in 5th - shouldn't laugh, but I did).
So, I can (and will) still dream - and I will be back trying to qualify this week. I can't help thinking this could be a great opportunity for me (not only to have a lovely few days in Monte Carlo with my boyfriend/poker coach), but also to develop as a poker player (and wear a Pokerstars sticky label on my top).
And maybe meet Vicky Coren and go for bar crawl on the Saturday night.
It was suddenly like, 'I have as much right to be here as you'; I didn't get shakey anymore when I was putting the chips in when I had a hand (but was quick to point it out (loudly) to the chaps that did, when I spotted it). I think the moment was at the Mandalay Bay, a couple of glasses of crap American white wine to the good, on the Saturday morning.
I much prefer live poker; you can properly chat, flirt, distract, pressure. I hope I won't ever feel intimidated by a man at a poker table again. I actually trash talked a guy last week in a tourny. Not my usual style, I'm a charmer, normally. He started it. He can't have been more than 19-20, chewing gum, ipod earphones in, got moved to our table had no more chips than anyone else, but proceeded to abuse everyone for no reason, aggressive as you like. He got them in on a scary-ish board and chewed his way through the guy next to me's thinking time, finally telling him, 'Come on, man. We've got hands to play', tapping his watch. The guy next to me folded but I had the pleasure of 2 hands later having aforementioned little shit call a re-raise on the flop to me, and my A-10 rivering the nuts.
I realise with hindsight, the all in bet was too obvious (especially being a girl - cos we only bet when we have a hand, right?!); anything up to half of it, I fancy he'd have called, I was hoping he'd want to swing his dick around by knocking a girl out, but, disappointingly he didn't have enough of it. He thought about it enough though and I couldn't help myself while he was mulling it over.
Women, however, are a different prospect all together. I actually don't like playing against them. i) all my USPs go out the window ii) they very rarely chat back (if at all) iii) I find myself folding the best hand to their all-ins (see above) iv) you never REALLY know what they have/if they know what they're doing with them - my mum sees a flop EVERY time when we play for buttons, no matter what I do (and usually hits her 7 or 9). That said, women only tournaments eg EPT, while a bit of a freak show to the onlooking men, are great value to get into and they are, generally, a decent standard, despite what anyone might say/think.
My first all-woman tournament was the EPT London last October. With precisely 1 previous live tournament experience (in the Sportman Casino in Dublin - where I made the final table), I was nearly sick the morning of this one. Looking back, I was so inexperienced, weak and reactive. I'll admit I've only really learnt to (properly) re-raise in the last few months (handy now, though, I don't mind telling you).
Anyway, having had so few cards and all of my genuine hands being outkicked, outdrawn, outplayed, I finally got them in with a set of As; when that got beaten by a straight (played by a girl wearing a comedy promo sash and sparkly cowboy hat who had played I think 4 hands all night - and very slowly, at that), I resolved to find my boyfriend (who thankfully had missed that particular hand, after very sweetly taking the day off work to come and support me) - and then, in turn, find the nearest pub and get smashed on northern ale, then wander to the Vic and watch the pros. In return for going out early (the poker equiavlent of the fat kid clap at Sports Day), I had been given a signed copy of Victoria Coren's book. I loved her before the EPT (debacle). She's hilarious. I'd love to be her mate. Anyway, that (subsequently signed by Neil Channing and Bambos at the Vic) got read cover over the following week too and since the whole EPT experience and then Vegas getting me so in to live tourny poker, I have vowed to play more offline - and try to qualify for another EPT.
PokerStars sent me an email the other week promoting the Ladies Luxury Poker Club at EPT Finals in Monte Carlo; in short an opportunity to qualify for a 3.5k Euro package, including accommodation, travel, buy in, goodies etc.
I tried the freeroll; rubbish. Crap shoot. Nonsense. Then I tried the 5.50 Euro rebuy. Ditto, all in with nothings all over the place, I topped up at the break but never got going.
So, I resolved to try the 22 Euro freeze out.
Proper Poker.
I had to play at work as I couldn't get home in time for the start (is ok, I work in recruitment for the online gaming industry - it's technically working late...). I tried one night, but blew it in one hand when I was sat in 5th and loving life; didn't consider for a mintue my 2 pairs of K-10 could be done by a set of 10s. D'oh.
But Tuesday of this week, I played the most beautifully timed, sensible poker of my life, probably only winning 3 really big hands, but never being all in and enough to qualify for the 215 Euro Sunday final.
There were 40 of us tonight, from literally all over the globe; Vegas, Seoul, France, places in Eastern Europe I have never heard of (and a bloke who clearly can't read and realised about two thirds of the way through he was in the wrong place - expensive trip to the wrong toilets....)
Just never got going, though, don't think I won a pot of more then 1100 Euro all night, had AA twice but barely got paid, let alone full value. Only made 2 ropey calls when I really didn't think they had it, but thankfully only cost me 700 Euro total. Finally, when blinds and antes were making my stack disintegrate in front of my eyes, I got them in with pocket 9s in the small blind. The previous 2 hands, the short stacks had doubled through; felt like the spot (was just nice to see cards that matched, I had forgotten by then what picture carda looked like). Got called by AK in the big blind and of course one of her 6 cards came on the flop. In spite of my shouting '9' or (barrel-scraping) 'clubs' at the screen, I lost the remainder of my chips (to the girl who, incidentally, bubbled in 5th - shouldn't laugh, but I did).
So, I can (and will) still dream - and I will be back trying to qualify this week. I can't help thinking this could be a great opportunity for me (not only to have a lovely few days in Monte Carlo with my boyfriend/poker coach), but also to develop as a poker player (and wear a Pokerstars sticky label on my top).
And maybe meet Vicky Coren and go for bar crawl on the Saturday night.
Why am I here?
I have been playing poker for just over 2 years. Having tried to watch it on late night tele in bed in my mid-20's but never quite 'getting it', I became hooked one Christmas, watching Joe Beevers in the Poker Million on Sky. On Boxing Day, I bought a plastc 'Simpsons' chip set in the sales, signed myself to PKR, cos it looked cool on TV - and then, when I started dating my current boyfriend (himself a more than decent cash and tournament player), did I totally disappear down the rabbit hole. I borrowed (permanently) his copy of Super System, read it cover to cover in a week and before I knew it was playing cash in the Empire and the Vic in London after work. I play more online (for ease more than preference), played at the EPT in London in October 2009, spent a week in Vegas this Spring, and would dearly love to play at EPT Finals in Monte Carlo in April 2010 - my current online qualifying project on PokerStars.
I thought this would be a therapeutic way for me to log, remember and learn from my poker experiences; if it amuses/inspires others along the way, more the better.
Hope you enjoy.
I thought this would be a therapeutic way for me to log, remember and learn from my poker experiences; if it amuses/inspires others along the way, more the better.
Hope you enjoy.
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