Monday, 16 August 2010

.....Bit distracted..... Hmmmm?! ... Wha? :-s .....

I just flopped quad 8's in my SNG and managed to get fully paid off by a full house and a chancer. Next hand, I raised with AQ from early position and got shoved over the top of for as good as the remainder of my stack.

I swear I took my fingers off my laptop, thought for a moment, said outloud 'He's got Kings' to myself.

And then called anyway.

I am an idiot.

I only did it cos he was the same guy who had river sucked me out of my 2 pair (of A2 - goodness knows what I was still doing in the hand after the turn, mind - certainly still only calling, not raising - but that's a lesson for another day) early doors and he seemed to be raising every hand afterwards. No excuse, of course.

I wasn't really playing properly, which was silly; I was just fulfilling a void post-dinner and University Challenge. Earlier, owing to a Thai cooking-time miscalculation, I had arrived at my laptop too late to sensibly enter the £16 freezeout turbo satellite to the £109 final satellite for the EPT London's Women's event on Stars.

I seriously thought about taking a spin, but even I could work out the maths didn't make sense, with blinds as they were, and only 1 seat guaranteed at that point. I did stop and watch, though, for just under an hour, to see what the likely competition would be like later in the week (when Spurs aren't playing in Europe or when I'm not having dinner with Leigh). I am either a very sad cow or a very smart cookie. Probably half of each, in reality.

I am also well up for the next Stars Sunday Women's Poker League. My eyes weren't deceiving me before, it was indeed 50 + 5 Euro buy in and it paid to 4th, with 1,125 Euro to the winner the other Sunday, and was repeated yesterday, with a couple more entrants. It's as good as a shoe-in I'll be there this week; it's like dangling northern ale and a bag of pork scratchings in front of my nose in a beer garden on a sunny Sunday afternoon; I can't say no.

Am off to watch WPT on Sky now to remind myself how it's really done. No Nenad Medic to swoon over, which is a bit of a shame for my hot-blooded, heterosexual, female eyes (sorry, ladies, I saw him first...), but at least I can focus on what you're s'posed to do with what, and can keep depositing in my Smart Poker Play bank - Is going to be a big couple of poker months, I fancy I'll need all the credit I can find.

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