Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Forever Blowing Bubbles

My face hurts.
I just slapped it really hard on both temples in dire frustration and annoyance.
I just bubbled in the Monte Carlo Sunday final satellite.
I was pretty much nowhere to nearly there all the way through in fairness; I played ok but hadn't really got any great cards and made a lot of my own luck.
Made it through to the final table in around 6th, I think, and got down to the final 4, 2 of them way ahead (why couldn't I have had the donkeys on my table so I could swell my chip stack??!), so was realistically only ever playing for 3rd. I was about a thousand down on 3rd place at the last break and, after a glass of wine supped like a cowboy going into a draw in the street, decided to come out fighting. Shock and awe, I think the yanks call it.
I won a big pot, got over-excited and over-confident and re-distributed the chips pretty much the hand straight after. Got rivered twice in a row when I had been ahead all the way through (meanwhile the Siberian numpty I was chasing was given AA twice in 3 hands), played too fast and too hard, admittedly, in a couple of pots, when the evil poker fairy in my head (who may have also had a glass too many of chardonnay) suggested to me that I had a divine right to the money in the middle with middle pair.
I finished up re-raising with QQ and getting re-raised all in by AK; rag, rag, rag on the flop, blank on the turn. A on the river.
What an utterly stupid game it is.

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