Thursday, 22 April 2010

Keeping it casual

Ok, so low stakes cash poker in the pub in Putney after work vs your boss, his girlfriend, an ex dealer and a rank beginner I know aint the WSOP - however it does serve as a nice bit of light training and a good laugh for a Wednesday evening, which would otherwise have been spent in front of the tele. Shame though, that when the other 3 had gone out and I was starting to get the chips flowing in one direction (towards moi) heads up, that it was very obvious everyone else was having far less fun than us two, so we agreed to call it a day.
Managed to generate a nice 50% profit on the evening, though, which was very wisely re-invested into a lamb shish kebab with garlic sauce and all the salad, on Chiswick High Road at half 11.

Reaaaallly want to play Friday, now; I heard a rumour Kensington Hotel (or a Hotel in Kensington, not sure which) has a 20 quid tourny and 1-1 cash games, so could be there - or The Vic, or the good old Golden Nugget on Shaftesubry Avenue - it's so crap in there, it's actually quite good; Guinness is 3.50 a pint and they play 90's dance music - I am in my element. I hope I still have my good poker vibes come the weekend.

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